For you, pa, on your birthday

The excitement keeps us awake
Every year it did
Your early morning birthday gift
Fourth of June
We never missed it
We are doing good
No, more than good

Gold took over
Her will, strong
Her strength, overwhelming
She’s awesome
She misses you though
And cries when she thinks no one is watching

He’s married now, pa
To a woman with a loving heart
You’ve seen her, yeah
Her smile is breathtaking
You’d love her
Pa, they have a son
Named after you
He looks like you
And smiles just the way you do
Your Ogbo is really looking after us
He’s as generous as ever

She’s more than a mother
Pa, she’s a one woman army
She really is
Her advice so valuable
She went back to school
You’d approve
She places our needs before hers
Pa, she reminds me a lot of you

She’s as calm as ever
Caring just like you
She’s loved by most
You remember that temper?
She has it under check, pa
She’s got a wonderful listening heart
And an open heart

Your ‘obu’ doing great
He’s very hardworking
And just took a bride
He’s a good friend
I live with him, pa
He does a good work of taking care of me
You’d be proud

Pa, she’s so beautiful
Grandma must have been so beautiful
She’s so creative
She graduated as the best
Yes, pa! Your Nnnenna did!
She lectures
Yes, pa, your Nnenna
She put on more flesh
Don’t laugh, pa
Her teeth still look like that of a rabbit
Ok! Now you can laugh

She misses you everyday

Keep whispering into His ear, pa
Tell Him that these are your wife and children
Ask Him to watch over us
And never let us go
Happy birthday, pa!!!!


  1. Update with his second grandchild darling. Nice one

  2. Update with his Second grandchild darling

  3. This is really beautiful pinkie, God bless Pa wherever he is. Igeelovsky

  4. So touching and wonderfully nice.. Makes me feel sooo unfortunate not to have met him. Thumbs up Pinkie, and may he rest in eternal peace. Keep making him proud Sweets. Xan

  5. Pleasantly wonderful Pinky! He really did a great job raising you all. He would be proud!
    - Chuka M

  6. Update. He has another gorgeous daughter and a grand daughter too.
    Keep it up dear.

  7. Well written, thoughts well expressed. Akamuha lives on

  8. The tears refuse to stop flowing. P this is a beautiful piece. Keep it up darling.hes mighty proud of you all. I'm am, so I know he is.

  9. Nice piece dear! Everyone seems to be well placed, and doing fine. Onokoroanyinya, what a beautiful name. ~Gbedu


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