On On!!

DISCLAIMER: This is not a funny story! I've never been the type to shy away from physical activities. Besides ermmm...this thing...I'm open to anything physical - running, swimming, climbing, chewing gum - anything at all. I never shy away. It's always fun and even better when its done with a group of friends. Over the years, my sister succeeded in making me jealous of her just by posting pictures of herself on one hill or another. I wished that someday, I would be able to do so - stand on a hill, open my cream colored 32 and feel fly. It don't matter how one got there. And as God answers prayers, my wish finally came through. Do you know that Christmas day feeling you had as a child? That type that leaves you awake all night wondering when day would break? That was the same feeling in my heart knowing that my longtime dream was just a few hours away. I got ready hours before time and hurried my sister to do same. My back pack had everything I needed - sel...