In Thanksgiving

This isn't one of humourous stories about jumping in and out of buses, childhood and work life. This is where I tell my Creator that I'm in awe of His love and blessings. On the first of January 2013, while others were excited about the new year, I was more scared about how work life would be. There was no mum or siblings to run to if things get crazy. This was just me and I was scared to my bloody intestines. My wardrobe was beyond empty and my bank account more empty and to my worries, Rejoice, a good friend and sister laughed. "Girl, keep the old ones clean and ironed. More will come". I did part of what she asked cos I really do hate ironing! She wasn't lying after all. Family is all I've got. They make me laugh, cry, upset! They laugh at me, make me me. I've got lovely memories with you which can never be wiped off even in death. Sometimes, I sit alone and laugh at moments we've shared and people wonder if ive gone crazy. Thro...