And he said “Babe, write me a love letter this Valentine. That’s all I want” I blame myself for being in love with someone who is weird. What ever happened to asking for PS5 like I see other men do? Where am I meant to start from? Do I say “Dear boo or what”? I am too playful to know how to write a love letter but I’ll try. So. . . Dear babe, How are you doing today? How’s your family? Hope everyone is in good health. If so, doxology! I do joke a lot. I love you, babe. I love you just because you are kind, warm, playful, thoughtful, generous, talented, good and cheesy. I love you just because you never hide that you love me. You say it in different ways, show it every opportunity you get. You are simply amazing. You understand friendship and I am glad you are my friend. You know that love, just like faith, without good work is dead. You don’t talk a lot. Sometimes I wish I can open your mind and read what goes on in there like a book. You listen to me always, my ...