The query

I got back to my desk to find a query from the HR with subject SEXUAL HARRASSMENT. It ended with “Kindly explain why disciplinary action won’t be taken out on you...” I sat back on my seat for a moment. Whew! I hate queries! “Dear All” I wrote “In order to properly explain myself, I need to tell you a story. I’d like to believe I’m normal. Nothing special. And this is not me being modest. I think, behave and talk normal which is why I find it really abnormal when I’m sitting in a toilet doing toilet business, sleeping, watching a movie, reading a book, waiting for an anger to pass or doing whatever and someone knock and keeps knocking. Ordinarily, I’d answer or make a noise just so whoever is knocking knows that the toilet is occupied. Let’s say you are this person and you hear someone inside speak, you would walk away and try the next door right? Because you are normal, yes! But there are abnormal people who roam the streets daily. People who may have been dropped on thei...