1000 WAYS TO FIND LOVE....IN A GYM "Sixteen...seventeen...eighteen...." I squatted at each count by the instructor. My thighs hurt from the many months of being away from the the gym. "...twenty two...twenty three..", his loud voice cut into my thoughts. I stopped to rest my legs. His voice got louder and he prompted me with his eyes not to stop. If only he knew how my thighs hurt. I'd love to have big butt and tight legs but the cost seemed too much for me. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I reached for it. I saw my instructor frown at me and I frowned back at him. Free me jhor. It was my friend, Dike, calling and needed directions to where I was. "Ermmm...do you know Camp ground", I asked "Yes!", he replied "Ok. From camp ground, drive pass either four or five streets on the left. I'm not really sure of the number of streets but look out for a cream house. You can't miss it". ...