Back in time (3)

"She's going", he said "She's so not going " she said "She's going, no arguments about that", he replied "How would she go?" "What sort of question is that? She'll board a bus, with your help of course" "You know what I meant..." Mum and dad went on and on. I waited patiently and prayed that they didn't get to that part where they would count how many times they had repeated the words "she'll go" and "she'll not go". Knowing that walking away would mean my indirectly saying that I won't go, I sat and hoped that my fate was decided soon. " want Chi to go to your mad brother's place? No! I refuse..." "Aha! You just called my elder brother mad?", he asked calmly. "Is he not?", she retorted. He kept quiet and I thought that to mean consent to Uncle's madness. Silence...whew! "We need to let Ch...